A comic and episodic satire, the film uses improvisation to illustrate the clash between fantasy and reality in real life. Although conceived in the style of Mekas' "Hallelujah the hills" (1962), it's an authentically Israeli satire, an openly rebellious and individualistic expression that poked fun at the sacred myths of earlier zionist films. The technique of film within the film is used to portray cinema as reflection of the imagination, a miracle based on dreams and fantasies that take on concrete characteristics - parallel to the miracle of Israel, the dream that has become reality. Although not a commercial success, its importance is beyond any measure, though it remains a unique experiment, boldly uncommercial and subversive, out of any context in that patriotic, ideological epoch. A new immigrant, Tzelnik, arrives at the port of Jaffa. He goes to live in the Negev desert where he opens a kiosk in the middle of nowhere. Mizrachi comes along and opens a competing business across the way. The two make a living by selling to each other. As there is nothing there, they decide to create a world out of their imagination. They build a cardboard film set, which slowly takes on real dimensions- the buildings turn to concrete, people come to audition for parts in the "film" (cinema verité style, with Zohar mocking viciously the pretensions of the "actresses") and builders come to build appartment buildings (mocking the glorification of concrete and "heroic" settlement). In one sequence, Arab actors come and ask the filmmakers turn positive to negative, and they're given the role of pioneers who plow the land and sing zionist songs. The imagined world of the filmmakers becomes so real eventually they lose sight of the thin line between fantasy and reality. Along the way there are also many references to other films and genres: the samurai flicks of Kurosawa, westerns, the pop films by Richard lester, the meal scene from Tom Jones and many others. The film was made by a bunch of (very talented) friends Zohar gathered, and they shot it with their own funds, as a “collective flick”, another aspect of it that sets it apart from the rest of the production in the country.
简介::影片聚焦铁原阻击战。1951年5月,中国人民志愿军第63军刚刚结束了持续一个月的作战,就受命进驻铁原战场,正面对抗“联合国军”4个师。志愿军将士们浴血奋战,终于把敌军打上了谈判桌。 为了完成任务
简介::故事发生在1921一年,艾娃(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)和姐姐玛格达(安吉拉·萨拉弗安 Angela Sarafyan 饰)经受不住繁华都市的霓虹诱惑,启程从波兰前往纽约淘
简介::何非(朱一龙 饰)的妻子李木子在结婚周年旅行中离奇消失,在何非苦寻无果之时妻子(文咏珊 饰)再次现身,何非却坚持眼前的陌生女人并非妻子,妻子拿出了身份证明进行自证,夫妻二人似乎都有不可告人的秘密,随着
简介::우울증에 걸린 새엄마를 하루만 아들 노릇해달라는 친구의 부탁으로 준석은 친구의 집을 방문한다.친구의 집에서 마중나와 있는 섹시한 미진의 모습을 보고 놀란다.그리고 바로 찾아온 ..